Endurance and Joy!

Published on 6 November 2024 at 07:43

Good morning, Papa God! 

Just pondering this morning how often Your children, including me, have a “warped” perspective about trials and struggles that come to us in life. The first question from my mouth, and most people, is “why.” Why is really not the most important question after all. It should be “who?”  I have learned going through them that because of You in my life, Lord God, I can still have great joy within me, even though the event isn’t a “happy” one or things are difficult.  I have learned that Your deep-down hope and joy has nothing to do with circumstances. Only happiness is based on circumstances. Your joy and hope within me is based on my relationship with You. You are the "who." But, there is one thing that life’s trials and difficulties have done for me. They have taught me how to endure in my faith and belief in You. My faith in You is stronger because I have turned to You in times of need and trusted You to provide and sustain me through it all. And You have! Always! My commitment to You, my faith in You, remains firm and strong, and will until I breathe my last breath and arrive home, running into Your arms! No matter what, I will die standing with Jesus as my Lord and King, and You as my faithful Father. You are faithful to the end, and so I will be also.

My beautiful child!

The testing of your faith produces perseverance. It is this endurance that produces maturity and completeness in you as My child. As your Dad, I send certain circumstances into your life for several very good reasons. First, some storms blow through to clear your path, not to stop your forward progress. Second, difficulties are often My tool to “prune” your “branches” of things that are blocking your growth. Without that necessary work of pruning in your life, you would fail to grow into all I have intended you to become. Third, difficult times and circumstances drive you straight into My Presence, where your help is located. I am always working in you, pruning and stimulating growth. Challenging times always awakens you and amplifies your need for Me. So, yes My child, count it all joy when your trials and difficulties come. I am growing your faith and endurance. My Presence will go with you wherever you go. Always!

(James 1:2-4; John 15:1-3,11; Phil. 2:13; 1 Peter 1:6-8; Matt.24:13; Exo.33:14; Joshua 1:9)

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