Do As You Have Said!

Published on 2 November 2024 at 07:58

Good morning, Papa God! 

Be my source of strength today, especially regarding my words. Let no unwholesome word come forth from my mouth. Help me to speak only kind, encouraging, and uplifting words to others (and to myself!). I come to You for this help. To whom shall I go? Only You have the words of eternal life. In You only do I believe, and I am absolutely sure and persuaded by Your Spirit and Your Word that You are able to keep that which I have committed to You (my heart and my soul) until that Day. So, Papa God, I rest in You and wait (somewhat) patiently for You to do in me all that You have said You would do, completing the good work that You started in me many years ago. I go forth into life today covered in Your strength and Your armor. Today’s battle is Yours. I do not need to fight but to position myself in You, stand still in Your strength and power, and see Your salvation accomplished in and through me. You are faithful to the end, accomplishing all You have said. Do as You have said. Accomplish Your plan. My life and my heart are Yours. Establish Your Word within me. I trust Your Word to me because Your Word is settled in heaven.

Good morning, My child!

Yes, My words are true and faithful because I am God. I am true and faithful in all My ways and in all My words. All I have spoken regarding you, I will do in your life and in the world. I know that you often struggle with the words you say that you know you shouldn’t say. I will set a guard over your mouth and a watch at the door of your lips because this has been your request. Take ten seconds to breathe before you respond. The words coming forth will be much more pleasing to Me and to others. My child, be slow to speak. Do not just react to a person or situation, and spew the first words that “hit” your tongue. My Spirit lives within you to give you strength and wisdom and guidance. Lean on Him and listen to His whispers as He speaks to your heart. My child. I have given you everything you need to live a godly life when you came to Jesus as your Savior. You are complete in Him. Your sufficiency is in Him. You are covered in His righteousness. Come and sit in “My classroom,” My child, and be still in My Presence. Being still and quiet is the only way you can hear My voice speak to your heart.

(2 Tim.2:12; John 6:68; Phil.1:6; 2 Chron.20:17; 2 Sam.7:25; Psa.119:38,89-90; James 1:19-20; 2 Peter 1:3)

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