Good morning, Papa God!
I sit here in the complete stillness of these moments, quieted by Your love, and surrounded by Your Presence. I am so safely sheltered in Your loving care, Papa God. In the shadow of Your protection, I can be glad and secure. With You, I can weather any storm of life. You are my Strong Tower, and I know I can run to You and be safe. I love You, my God. You are my soul’s everything! I am learning to trust You in all that happens because You are with me in each and every circumstance of life. You wrap me up in the security blanket of Yourself. I have nothing to fear in this life because Your perfect love casts out fear. There is no place I can go where You are not there, ever-present in my life and watching over me. This thought gives me immense peace, Papa God. I rest in You.
Good morning, My child!
Oh, how you please Me! Your determination each morning to set aside time for us pleases Me. Some mornings, like this morning, interruptions have tried to derail you, but you doggedly pursue our time together and quiet your own heart before Me. Your greatest strength is your relentless desire to spend time communicating with Me. When you choose this, you shut out the world with all of its pull and distractions. When you choose Me, My Spirit settles your heart and mind with My peace. This time together helps you navigate the day that is before you. Yes, My child, the choice you make each morning to be with Me pleases Me. When you are still and waiting quietly in My Presence, in the deepest parts of your soul, you hear My whispers of love and direction. I know that sometimes you think that you are hearing your own thoughts. Hmmmm! Consider this, My child! Why are you surprised that My thoughts “feel” like your own thoughts? Because sometimes they are! I gave them to you. Why do I whisper? Because when you are quiet and close to Me, you can hear Me. Shouting at My children has never been something that I do! I will not compete with the noises of this world or your life.
(Psa.46:10; 1 John 4:18; Psa.18:1-2; Psa.139:7-12; Psa.125:2; Zeph.3:17; Prov.18:10)
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