His Great Love!

Published on 13 September 2024 at 08:00

Good morning, Papa God! 

As I come into Your Presence, I really do stand amazed. I am in awe and overwhelmed by …

Your Amazing and Immeasurable Grace

Your Unending Love

Your Unlimited Mercy and Forgiveness

Your Indescribable Joy and Peace

Your Unsearchable Depths of Patience

Your Intense Showering of Blessings.

Yes, I do stand completely and utterly in awe of You, especially when I consider how much You love! There really are no words to describe or embrace the totality of Who You are! I am here with a heart full to overflowing with praise and thanksgiving for You and all You do!

My little one,

Your prayers and worship are an incense rising up to My throne. Your heart is open and laid bare before Me. It is full of the “rich soil of My planting.” The field of souls in your sphere of influence are ripe unto harvest.  Under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, you are My vessel for harvesting them. Be My hands, heart, and feet. Touch their lives with your empathy, mercy, and the warmth of your smile. Do My business until I come. No matter what happens, I need for you to be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in My work; your labor that you do in My name is not in vain. Remain steadfast to My calling on your life. Always remember this, My child. No matter what happens in your life, I am so in love with you, and always will be. I am Love and Love cannot fail. Continue your upward journey to Me.

(1 John 3:1,7-11,15-16; John 3:16; 1 Cor. 15:58; Luke 19:13; John 14:1-3; Rom.8:38-39)

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