Good morning, Papa God!
I quietly sit here without words being spoken. The truth is I am just weary, and I just do not how or what to pray at this moment. It is in times like this that I can count on the Holy Spirit to show me the way. When the words don’t seem to come out right or when my prayers feel empty, I know that the Holy Spirit is interceding for me to You with groanings that go beyond mere words. I know You hear me, Papa God. I know You hear all Your children when we pray. When the Holy Spirit prays on our behalf, in a language that only the Holiness of You utters and hears. I believe that the Holy Spirit living within me will never run out of things to say to You on my behalf. Holy Spirit, thank You for talking to the Father when I can’t get the words out. I am thankful, Papa God, that You know my heart, even when I cannot find the right words or even any words at all. Papa God, You are my strong shield, my faithful defender, and my constant guardian and friend. I believe Your hand of protection is over my life, even when things are not going as I hoped they would. My faith is deepened when I recognize that You are with me in the storm, as well as all the sunny days. You are always with me. It is Your promise to me, and You are the Promise Keeper. You are perfect in all Your ways. When the timing of the events in my life don’t happen as I like, help me remember that Your timing is always perfect. I am quiet again before You, listening for Your voice.
Good morning, My child!
You know that I think about you all the time right? You can’t even count all the thoughts that I have had concerning you and your loved ones. I even know what you are going to think or say before you do it. You have been on My mind since before I made the world. I was thinking about you when I watched My Son go to the cross for you. Yes, I know you. I love you. I protect you. I care for you. I have plans for you. Yes, My child, I do! My thoughts regarding you are innumerable; it’s impossible for you to count them! I pay attention to the very big things in your life and the very small ones. What matters to you matters to Me. There is no problem too big for Me that I do not have the solution. There is no storm that I cannot calm, no mountain too big that I cannot move it. I know all things pertaining to you, My wonderful child, even those times like now when you struggle with words to convey the depths of your soul’s longings. I know them and hear your heart’s cry … in the silence! My Spirit intercedes for you with groanings too deep for words. Oh yes. My child, I hear you!
(Rom.8:26-27; Psa.139:17-18)
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