
Published on 16 August 2024 at 08:33

Good morning, Papa God! 

I am realizing more and more in my life that whether I have a lot to say or little to say, or whether You do, our time together is so very precious. I find that I am at peace within myself and content with my life. Not so very long ago, I couldn’t say that. Whether it is about having “plenty” or “little” of the world’s things or things to do, the shortcoming of both “plenty” and “little” is that we always want more. I recognize what the secret to contentment is – You providing my spiritual, emotional, and physical needs. You are enough! I really don’t need anything else, but You! It’s really all about our love relationship – You in me, me in You. Your love for me, which knows only the best for me, is all I need. I love and trust in You, no matter what the circumstances of life may be. You are with me in the fire, in the flood, and in the battle. Knowing this is our relationship does bring me contentment. For there is nothing I want in this life more than the love relationship that I have with You. I know the goodness of Who You are, Papa God. In my life, there have been both years of abundance and years of leanness, but never in all my years have I ever been wanting for my basic needs. You have always provided for my needs. You have shown me that Your goodness and good gifts are all I need in this life. I seem to be okay with less and less of the things of this world. The result is … I am content! I know Whom I have believed! So, I empty myself before You, my Creator God, because You are my safe place, and contentment reigns within me. Nothing is better than You and Your love for me.

Good morning, My precious child!

You indeed have peace and contentment because you have realized wherein it lays – Me! You have laid down your desire for things. You have laid down your insatiable desire to plan the details of your life, and be in control of all the outcomes. The future details and outcomes of your life are not your responsibility. They are Mine! Letting go of that which you do not know about your future or understand in your present allows Me to do what I do – be God! With that understanding within you, you have discovered the secret to contentment … I AM enough! Peace and contentment come when you accept that My will for you is the best, no matter what your circumstances appear to be. Just bring to Me all that you face each day and trust Me to pull it all together for good in your life. Oh yes, and this you have also learned.  “Good” is not defined based on what you want or desire to happen. I define what is best and good in your life for two reasons – one, I am God, and two, I can see everything in your life from beginning to end. I see the entire picture of your life, and know where all the pieces fit together.  When you trust Me like this, there is peace and contentment within your soul.

(Matt.6:25-34; Rom.8:32; 1 Tim.6:6 AMP; Phil.4:12-13; James 1:17)

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