Good morning, Papa God!
How richly blessed am I! You have given to me the privilege and joy of being Your child! You have given the Holy Spirit to live within me. Of Your fullness, I have received; grace upon grace lavished upon me. Oh, yes, Papa God, I have been richly blessed – loved, chosen, adopted, forgiven, redeemed, set apart, blameless before You; what more could I possibly need or want. And yet, above all of this, You always meet my daily needs and, oh so many of my wants. And when I think of my heavenly inheritance awaiting me, I am overwhelmed by Your love and goodness to me. I am so richly blessed! I praise You with my whole being.
Good morning, My child!
How wonderful is our time together! You have learned to appreciate our time together as more than asking and receiving. You have grown deep into Who I am as God and as your Father. Ours is a relationship based on a deep friendship and trust. Ours is a Divine dialogue. You have learned to be still in My Presence and listen, to wait in the silences as I change you deep within your soul. You have learned to trust Me completely and depend solely on Me. That is why our times are so special, My child! We enjoy each other’s company, and the asking and receiving have become secondary to why you enter into My Presence. Now, it’s just about us sharing time together, and it is a precious time for us both. I love spending time with you, My child. As your Papa God, I will always provide for you.
(John 12:16; Phil.4:19; Eph.1; Psa.103:1-5)
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