Good morning, Papa God!
Just sitting here resting and thinking, pondering really! I was pondering about the different perspectives people have. How two people can be involved in the same event and come away from it with two different views of what happened. It is really quite amazing sometimes. At other times, it downright confusing and annoying because each person believes their view is truth. The reality is that the truth usually lies somewhere between the two views, unless one of those views is Yours, Papa God. Then, it is always the truth. What the world sees and what You see are always polar opposites. I began thinking of examples from Your Word where this truth is portrayed.
Like … David’s family saw a shepherd; You saw a king. Gideon saw himself as a weakling; You saw a warrior. Joseph’s brothers saw a spoiled brat; You saw a nation’s savior. Abraham saw an unknown land; You saw the promised land. The Israelites saw a dead end at the Red Sea; You saw a path through the walls of water. The early church saw Paul as a murderer; You saw a missionary to the Gentiles. Others saw Peter as a loud-mouth fisherman; You saw an early church leader. Mary’s family saw a daughter; You saw Your Son’s mother. What the world sees and what You see are very, very different perspectives, for sure! Even how the world sees “me” or how I see “me” is not how You see me. You don’t see me like I see me because Jesus’ righteousness is covering me! How thankful I am for Your perspective!
Good morning, My child!
I am eternal. Therefore, I have seen you since the beginning of time. Before you were ever born, I saw you, your entire life, and all you would do and become. I know My compelling purpose for your life. My perspective of your life is truth. I know how you view yourself at times, but My view is the truth. Why? Because, My child, I am Truth! I can see all the pieces of your life, how they will all come together perfectly in My plan for you, and I see the end of your story. I am writing the end of your story just as I have been there to write all the other parts of your story. And, yes, My child, your story matters! I know that you think that you only have wisdom for others in “how not to do it,” but that is simply not the truth. My Spirit has poured wisdom into you for so many situations in others’ lives. The truth is, My child, you just simply do not know how I have worked in others’ lives through your words and testimony. My perspective and view of your life is eternal and, therefore, more clear than yours. Trust My perspective of your life, please!
(Matt.11:8-10; Jer.1:11-19; Prov.3:5)
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