Good morning, Papa God!
One thing has become crystal clear to me from living as much life as I have lived. Walking out a life of faith in You isn’t easy. “Walking in newness of life and by faith” is easy to read from Your Word and even to say, but to do it takes all the grace and power and strength You give me each day. It requires that I lay aside any desire or want that is directly opposed to Your will for me, and to lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily entangles. It requires me to run my race with endurance and, with little-to-no excess baggage, always fixing my eyes on the Lord Jesus. Again, Papa God, I am just saying, this is hard to do, but by Your grace and strength, I can do it day after day. My goal each day when I awake is to seek Your face and those things that are above, those things which are of You. You have told me in Your Word that if I seek You, I will find You if I seek You with all my heart. This is my goal at the start of each day … to seek You with all my heart. You are my life, and I know Whom I have believed and am confident that You are able to keep that which I have committed to You (my heart and soul) against that Day. So, I will endure the hardships, challenges, and struggles of life as a good soldier of Jesus Christ and will walk each day in Your power and strength. Thank You for all the joys this life also holds and the many blessings that Your showered upon me. Not every day is a struggle, and for that I am grateful. I thank You that some of my days are calm and peaceful. You always know how much I can endure, and You leave me in Your “purifying fires” for just the right amount of time – never too long so that I don't melt down and never too short so that the “dross” in my life gets burned away. You are a good, good Father to me, and always Faithful to Your promises to me.
Good morning, My child!
You are correct! Walking in this world, as one of My children, isn’t easy. Never has been, never will be – even when My Son did it! The world lives in a fallen state because of sin, and since sin is always directly opposed to Me and My highway of holiness, it will be difficult to walk a life of a newness in Me while you are in the world. But, your hope is in Christ Who will return to set things right. As you have learned, your power and strength to walk in newness of life is found in Me, being in My Presence. Learning how to live in My Presence all day gives you all the power and strength that you need. For each one of My children, I know exactly what path they should walk down so that I can mold them and make them into My image. Each path is unique for each one. My child, your path is unique to you. Others may think your path is easier or harder than theirs, but only you and I know the truth about your path. Do not compare your path to others, nor be concerned when others compare theirs to yours. You walk with Me on the pathway that I show you, and do not be concerned with others' opinions. I know all about you and your path. You follow Me! And, as you have learned for your many years of walking with Me, I do indeed know how “hot to make the fire” and “how long to leave you in it,” so that the “dross” in your life is burned away. Your reflection of Me grows brighter and brighter with every day.
(2 Tim.1:12; Rom.6:15; Col.3:1; Jer.29:13; Zeph.2:3; Heb.12:1-2)
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