The Scope of God's Love!

Published on 1 August 2024 at 07:42

Good morning, Papa God! 

How great is Your Love! To define its scope – its breadth, its length, its depth, its height – is an impossible feat.  I just know that it is great! I know it because I have experienced it in its fullest measure through the salvation of my soul by my faith in the atoning death of Jesus Christ. How wonderful is Your great love for me! The only way I know to define Your love is from Scripture – John 3:16.

The breadth: For God so loved the world (the number of people Christ has redeemed).

The length: That He gave His only begotten Son (love is eternal and unchanging).

The depth: That whosoever believes in Him shall not perish (deep because of the depths He descended to save us, and the depths of our sin and unworthiness when He did so).

The height: But will have eternal life (Christ’s love will raise us up to glorious heights).

I may not be able to adequately define Your love because You are God, but I know of it! You love me so much You gave Jesus to die in my place for my sin’s debt so I didn’t have to pay that price. Your love knows no limits! Thank You for loving me this much!

Good morning, My child!

Experiencing My Love is far greater than knowing about My Love. Anyone can have some level of a head knowledge about Me, but knowing Me at a personal level through a relationship with My Son Jesus is far better. In fact, having a personal relationship with Him is the only way to know Me and the breadth, length, depth, and height of My Love. You are My child. You have experienced the riches of My grace and My mercy and My love. My commandment to you is to love one another, even as I have loved you. Everyone will know that you are Mine, if you love others like I have loved you. Love covers all sins. So, do not return evil for evil. As much as is possible, be at peace with others. Be kind! The world right now has very little of this. Forgive others as you have been forgiven. In doing these things, you will show the world that you belong to Me. Live in My love and reflect Me to those around you.

(Eph.3:18-21; John 3:16)

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