Walking in My Presence!

Published on 24 July 2024 at 07:45

Good morning, Papa God! 

Relaxing in Your Presence, just getting some idea of what my day will be like. Mostly, I know some of what it holds, but not all of what it holds. Only You know that! One thing I do know is that I need to do my walking routine. It’s not thrilling for me to do this walking – for sure! But it is necessary! Walking keeps me strong, steady, and increases my endurance. Of course, my strength and endurance are most tested when I feel “faint” and tired and want to quit. It is when I continue forward in my walking that I get stronger, pushing through the “tired barrier” to do just a little more. I have come to understand this principle in my walk with You as well. When I hit the “tired” obstacle in my spiritual realm, I come in to Your Presence. To “walk and not faint” is the highest stretch possible as a measure of strength. You always say to me, “walk before Me.” I must be determined to keep You before me continually, to trust Your Presence in my life as my full reality … to know and understand You are here all the time, directing and guiding me. Even on those days when my everyday decisions are not according to Your will, You will press into my spirit and bring restraint to my spirit. It is then that I am still and quiet and wait in Your Presence until You show me Your way and Your will. It is then that my strength for the journey – my walk – is renewed. Your joy is my strength.

Good morning, My child!

Yes, you are learning the art of waiting … waiting on Me! Waiting teaches you about the power of living in My Presence … all day! My Presence is where you draw your strength, and are renewed to continue to fight life’s battles. Make no mistake, My child! We are at war! There is a great cosmic spiritual battle being waged for the souls of men. You do not wrestle against flesh and blood; your struggle is against the rulers, the authorities, and the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. To stand firm, to walk with Me daily, you must be strong in Me and My power. This can only come from being still in My Presence and learning to walk and live in it all day, every day. It is our joy to spend time together. I am with you in each step you take, leading and guiding you. Do not be worried that you will miss what I have for you to do next. I won’t let you miss it. I know that walking by faith can be hard, especially when you’d rather depend on what you see and know. But when you trust Me to show you the way, then you need have no fears of missing what I have planned for you. When we are together like we are now, I will always reassure you and restore your sense of direction. I am the way, My child! Follow Me and I will lead you through all your days until your last day of life on earth and you are home with Me. Until then … continue your faith walk and trust in My Providence and Sovereignty over your life.

(Isa.40:31; Neh.8:10; Eph.6:10, 12-14)

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