Good morning, Papa God!
Time with You every day is my greatest joy and pleasure. How thankful I am for the privilege You have given me – being Your child and having access to You whenever I want. Never let me take for granted this privilege and the price that was paid so that I could have it … Jesus’ death on the cross! I find myself in a good place today. The struggles of retirement inactivity and the seeming lack of purpose have eased. The long years of waiting for You to show me has ended. In Your perfect time (waiting for my faith and trust in You to grow and letting go of my will), You have now opened the doors for what You want me to do. The way to move forward is now clear to me. Although the past few years have been a struggle for me at all levels – emotional, physical, and spiritual -- I would not trade it for an easier time. It has been the struggle, the testing of my faith, the letting go of my will that has produced growth within me. I am stronger in my faith and more obedient to You because of the struggle. Why this must be the way of growth, I do not know. But, all Your children, at times, must experience the “fiery furnace”, coming out of it purified on the other side. You are always in the midst of the fiery furnace with Your children. I now find a great peace within soul, and renewed energy and fervor for Your call on my life. This morning, Papa God, I am just basking in the sweetness of Your Presence, enjoying our time together. I love You and adore You. Thank You for patiently enduring my childish tantrums, and for loving me unconditionally. You are a good, good Father who knows me and my every need and faithfully supplies all I need.
Good morning, My precious child,
You are such a delight to Me. You have changed wonderfully in these past few years since retiring from your earthly job. Now comes your next assignment. There is no such thing as retirement for My children until you are home with Me. I have always had a plan and purpose for you after retirement. I just had to get you ready for what was next. I told you to seek Me and you would find Me. This you have faithfully done. Your constant desire to go deeper still into knowing Me has been the catalyst for the change in you. I am proud of you, My faithful warrior. You have endured and persevered through your “fiery furnace.” So much of the ”old” you was burned away, and now you stand ready for the next steps in your journey. Your intentional and continued praise and worship of Me is the result of the joy and thankfulness that resides in your heart. Never let that change, no matter what life’s circumstances may be. Always live above your circumstances with your eyes fixed on Jesus. Being thankful always throughout each day keeps the joy in your heart full. I am always in the midst of your life’s circumstances, and with you as you know so well. During this recent time of struggle, you have learned the valuable lesson of accepting each day as it comes to you and living in My grace which is sufficient for each day’s circumstances. You have learned to trust Me deeply, even when you have not understood all the “whys” and “hows”. So, yes My child, I am proud of you and your journey thus far. Remember, the results of your life’s activities each day in My name are in My hands. You do what I ask you to do and leave the results to Me. As we both know, it works better that way. I love you!
Dan.3:16-18,23,25; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Jer.29:11-13; Prov.3:5-6; Phil.4:19
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