Persevering Conqueror!

Published on 22 July 2024 at 08:15

Good morning, Papa God!

I am here and thankful for the new day. What’s in Your plan for me today? Show me the steps of my life for today. I am reminded of Abraham’s life – “Go… and I will show you where you are to settle.” He left and walked each day as You led him until his feet rested in the place You had planned for him. He never saw the “great nation” he was to become; he just believed and trusted You. He saw only the steps in front of him for that day’s journey, and what You showed him to do each day. That’s me right now in my life, isn’t it? Trusting You each day to show me what I should do, even if it is the same “walking” as the day before. I am almost sure Abraham had days when he wondered if he would wander as a nomad his entire life, wondered what Your plan was for him. But he kept getting up every day, and did what he knew to do and trusted You. That’s me right now!  I am trusting You to show me the steps that I am to take today, who to see, what to say, and how to do the tasks that are set before me. I have trusted You each day of my life, and I won’t stop now. You have never failed me, and You never will. Your promises and Your Word are true. Help me to bear the fruit of Your Spirit as I go through this day. You are my strength and my hope and my source for all things, all the days of my life.

My Preserving Conqueror,

It is a good morning! It is a great morning! You and I are together, conversing. What a time of peace and enjoyment! You thrill My heart, little one, in your perseverance and endurance each day. I know how hard these days have been for you. Yet, you remain faithful in all the little things I have given you to do despite roadblocks and barriers. Your trust in Me never waivers. Oh, I know and see those times when you let fear or panic grip you because you don’t understand My timing. But I want you to know that I am proud of your constant effort to push forward and defeat the enemy that so doggedly tries to make you stumble and give up. You never give up! You look up and set your mind on Me and the things above. You stand up and dust yourself off and keep going. Yes, My child, I will say it again – I am proud of you! Oh, and by the way, you are correct! I have planned and prepared this day for you. Instead of looking at this day like a flip chart that you are going to fill up with tasks that need doing, consider this … the opportunities I have designed for you that are already waiting for you. Watch for them! They are there if you are looking with an open mind and heart. Remember this, My child. You are Mine always. Nothing and no one can ever snatch you from My hand. Ever! Even if you fall down or stumble because of sin or a mistake in judgment, I still have you! I am still holding on to your hand. Always! Now go into this day and see My opportunities for you! Look, listen, and watch!

(Rom.5:3-5; Gen.12:1-3; Col.3:2; John 10:28-29)

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