Grace, Love, and Mercy!

Published on 8 July 2024 at 07:36

Good morning, Papa God! 

I am again overwhelmed by all of Who You are. In Your Presence, I am undone. I see myself as I am. Yes, Your child by Your great love for me, but also a sinner saved by Your grace and forgiven of my sins by Your great mercy. I behold daily what kind of love You have bestowed and given to me. You call me Your child. For this I am, not because of anything that I have done, but because You rescued me through Your great mercy. You loved me so much You sent Jesus to die in my place to take the wrath for my sins upon Himself. Oh, how great was the debt of sin that was paid for me that day on the cross, and not just mine, but all the world. The only thing I did, by the faith You gave me, was receive Your gift of salvation. Oh, yes Papa God, Your love is great. Your grace is sufficient. Your mercy never comes to an end. I stand amazed most days that You love and continue to love me, especially on those days when I am acting like a spoiled child, grumbling and complaining about life. What do I have to grumble and complain about, Papa God? Absolutely nothing! I have You, and thus, I have all I need or want. Help me to remember this on those days when I am acting discontented. You already know my circumstances, so I simply ask that I sense Your Presence in my life more fully and completely, knowing that You care deeply for me and love me with an all-encompassing, unending love.

Good morning, My child!

My love for you knows no end and is unconditional. I love you just the same on the days when you are grumbling about life or on the days when you are praising and thanking Me. My love is the same! Nothing you do or don’t do will ever change My love for you or separate you from Me. Yes, sin once separated us, but because of Jesus’ shed blood on the cross for your sins and your acceptance of Him in your heart, you are now My child. The sin that you still choose to do may interrupt our fellowship until you repent and confess it to Me, but sin can no longer break our relationship. You are My child, and I am your loving Father. Nothing will ever be able to harm this relationship – ever! I see your struggles, deep within you, that no one else sees. Yes, My little one, I do see you and where you are. I know your deep desire to do the right thing, to follow My will, and to seek My face. I know that you are concerned with what to do with your life, but you are on the right path of searching. I will show you the way and open the doors. I promise!

(Isa.43:19; 1 John 3:1; Titus 3:5; John 3:16; Lam.3:22-23; Eph.2:8-9; Rom.8:29-29)

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