Grumbling or Thanking?

Published on 7 July 2024 at 08:32

Good morning, Papa God! 

I am so convicted this morning about my grumbling and complaining about … well, You name it and I have probably grumbled about it in recent days. Forgive my negative spirit. Just because I don’t necessarily like my life’s circumstances at the moment does not mean life is all “bad.” You have richly blessed me and continue to bless me. So, in everything, I can give thanks, not for everything, but in everything because You are working in and through everything for my good. Papa God, please help me to have positive things to say each day, and forgive me when I grumble and complain. I know that I will never be in control of all my life’s circumstances. But, one thing I do know. You are in control of them. So, help me to always have a thankful heart for all the blessings I do have.

My child,

Thank you for confessing this sin of grumbling and complaining to Me. And, yes, it is sin. Your grumbling says to Me that you don’t trust Me or have faith in Who I am and that I know what I am doing in your life. Grumbling shows your discontent with how life is and why it is like that instead of changing your circumstances. It’s not a sin to change your circumstances. But, it becomes sin when you grumble and complain about it, and don’t ever do anything about it. Grumbling and complaining is the repeated voicing of your dissatisfaction over the situation in life that you find yourself in. Complaining, My child, leads to a worsened mood, makes you feel more helpless, and leads to negative outlook on life. You have suddenly forgotten Me in this scenario. It causes you to doubt My goodness in the present, and it most certainly, cuts off My vision and purpose for you in the future. Complaining and grumbling actually means there is unbelief in your heart that I AM Who I say I AM and that I AM forever a keeper of My promises to you. So, My child, this is why I AM thankful that you have confessed this sin to Me. It has reopened the lines of communication between us, and reestablished your trust and faith in Me.  I AM forever Faithful and True. Trust Me always, even when your circumstances or situations make no sense to you as to what I am doing in your life. I am always working things together for your ultimate good. Just believe and trust Me!

(1 Thess. 5:8; Rom.8:28; Phil.2:13-15)

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