Passionate for Christ!

Published on 6 July 2024 at 08:24

Good morning, Papa God! 

My mind and my spirit are caught up this morning in the overwhelmingly wonderful idea of being chosen by You. Your love pursued me until I surrendered and quit running from You. I gave my life to You as I surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ, and was made Your child. Thank You that I have been chosen to be Your child. I know that as much as You love Your Son, and the Son loves You is how much You love me. I receive my strength and my power as your witness, Your disciple, because I am abiding in Jesus. As my mind dwells upon these thoughts, I am reminded that being Your witness, Your disciple for the good news of Jesus Christ has its responsibilities. Discipleship means personal, passionate devotion to a Person – Jesus Christ. There is vast difference between devotion to a Person and devotion to principles or a cause. My Lord Jesus never declared that we are to have a personal devotion to a cause, He said, “Come follow Me.” That’s a personal devotion to a Person, Papa God! I have come to realize that the Holy Spirit is the One who pours into my heart all the love of Who You are, Papa God. He sets my heart on fire with devotion to Jesus. It is not about doctrines and principles, per se, even those these are important. It is about my passion for You because of the love You have shown to me by sending Jesus to save me from my sin debt. Was it ever about what I did or said that drew Your attention to me as a choice to be in Your family? Nope! Papa God, it was never that! You chose me in Christ before the foundation of the world. You simply knew and loved me before I ever did or said anything because You are God and You are Love. The day I received Jesus Christ into my heart, You opened the floodgates of blessings that You had reserved just for me. How thankful I am to be Your child! And my passion is for the Person of Jesus Who has changed my life forever, not for a cause or a set of doctrines and principles.

Good morning, My child!

Passionate love is what I have for you and for all My children. Yes, I love you as much as I love My Son, Jesus and He loves Me! I know this is a lot to grasp. It is very hard for the finite grasp the fullness of the infinite! But, it is true nonetheless. Yes, sometimes My children get caught up in themselves and the work they do in My name, and forget about their passion for the Person for whom they are working. They have forgotten about their “first love,” Jesus. They abandoned the love they had for Him at the beginning for the works they now do in His name. Don’t misunderstand, My child. The works that you are asked to do by Me are important or I wouldn’t have asked you to do them. But, keep the passion and love for the Person far above what you are doing in His name. Do not forget your first Love, even as you faithfully write your blog. Be more in My Presence because of our love for each other and our time together rather than for what you will write from our time together.

(Eph.1:4; Rev.2:4; John 15:9,16; Phil.2:5-11; Luke 9:23; 14:26-27,33; Rom.5:55; Rom. 3:23; 6:23)

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