Good morning, Papa God!
As I was reading Your Word, I was stopped by the Spirit when I read Hosea 6:3 … “let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the LORD.” I paused to consider the two verbs in this verse – “know” and “pursue.” You led me to consider the amplified definitions of these verbs.
“know” = become personally acquainted with; to progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with; to perceive and recognize and understand more strongly and more clearly.
“pursue” = the act of trying to achieve something over a long period of time; chasing after; following hard after.
So, I now try to put all this together as it relates to the knowledge of You, Papa God. It is a deep thought! The verse now looks something like this to me. “Let us know [become personally acquainted with; to progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with; to perceive and recognize and understand more strongly and more clearly], let us pursue [the act of trying to achieve something over a long period of time; chasing after; following hard after], the knowledge of Yahweh [the totality of Who You are – facts, character, attributes]. I am hit with several realizations. One, doing this will take a long period of time – eternity really! There will be a time, when I am before You face-to-face, that I will know as I am known. But, the magnitude of Who You are is more than I can comprehend, but I am still in hot pursuit of You. Second, I have asked myself these questions. “How well am I doing in delighting myself with You, of pursuing my knowledge of You?” How deeply and intimately acquainted am I with You?” Yes, Papa God, I realize that this is an ongoing, daily endeavor, and I realize that I am more intimately acquainted with You today than I was 50 years ago when I first came to You through my acceptance of Jesus into my heart. But, there is still so much more that I am still learning in my quest of You. Keep me in hot pursuit of You, continually steadfast.
Good morning, My child!
You are indeed a deep student of My Word. It is My gift of teaching that I gave you that causes you to do these word searches. Yes, you are in hot pursuit of Me, but it is because I first pursued you with all My love. I want to be with you. Nothing compares to the joy of being pursued by the one you love! Me for you, and you for Me! You want to know and be known, to receive and give real love. So do I! This is the true longing of every soul, and all are searching for it. It is fully and completely found in Me. You, My child, have pursued this relationship with Me at some of the deepest levels. I satisfy the deepest longings within you. Let the loneliness of this world continue to drive you into My arms, My unending love for you. I know you fully. I see deeply into every secret place of your heart. I know and read you better than you do yourself. I see all of you, and still love you – always! I will never leave you. It’s My promise to you for all eternity. I love our relationship, and that it grows deeper and more intimate with each passing day. You have learned to be still and listen. You have learned to put aside your own agendas and wants when you are in My Presence, and to listen for My will. You have learned to talk less, and listen more for My will in your life. Our time together is deep and personal and such a pleasure! We are intimately acquainted, My child.
(Hos.6:3 AMP; Phil.3:10 AMP; 1 Cor.13:12 AMP)
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