Good morning, Papa God!
For whatever reason, I am sitting here this morning thinking about that time when You will look to the Son and say, “It’s time. Go get Your Bride.” How Your children long for that day to come! Maybe it will be today! How thrilled we all will be! But then, my thoughts quickly went to those persons I know and love who, as yet, have refused Jesus in their lives. Refused to confess Him as Lord and admit that they are a sinner in need of a Savior to get to heaven, who stubbornly believe they can do it on their own merit and good deeds. As much as I would love for Jesus to come today, I do not want them to not have another chance to repent. I have come to realize that You delay the Rapture of Your children because Your love for the lost is so great and You do not want anyone to be left behind and perish without Christ in their heart. You are patiently and generously giving those who do not know Christ personally some more time to choose Him. So, Papa God, for their sakes, I am happy that You have delayed the Son’s return. Help me to patiently wait also, to continue to share Your love and desire for them, and that the Holy Spirit would continue to draw them to You through the Son. By the Spirit’s power and might, show me how to reach the ones You have given to me to reach for Jesus. Help me to faithfully proclaim Jesus and Him crucified for the payment of sin. It is really my only true purpose in life – to tell others about Jesus, to show others Jesus through my words and my actions. Continue to show me the method to take and the words to say for each person You place in my path. Bring them to Yourself.
Good morning, My child!
I, too, am looking forward to that time when all My faithful children will be home with Me. There will be much rejoicing. But, until then, My child, I have commissioned you (and all My children) to take the gospel to those in your sphere of influence. To date, there have been many to whom you have done this. Most of whom, you have no idea of how I used you in their lives to make a difference for My kingdom. I have used your life’s events and your words to bring them to a saving knowledge of My Son. The path that I have had you take through life has been for the expressed purpose of showing Jesus to others. I did this through how you have lived and how you respond to the storms of life that have come your way by your faith in Jesus. Yes, your faithful teaching of My Word has given knowledge, but it has been more about the wisdom (knowledge in action) from your life that I have used in the lives of others. There will come a time when I will say to My Son, “go get Your Bride,” and it will be a glorious and rejoicing day here in heaven. But until then … you still have My work to do. Continue to faithfully do it in the lives of all those I have just brought to your mind. Use all righteous means at your disposal to reach those persons for Jesus … in any and every way I show you. You are the vessel I have chosen to use in their lives.
(1 Cor.2:2; Gal.6:14; Gal.2:20; 1 Thess.4:13-18; 2 Peter 3:9; John 10:28; Matt.28:19-20; Acts 1:8; 1 Cor.9:22)
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