Good morning, Papa God!
I am pondering and thinking about Your two greatest commandments … to love You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love one another as I love myself. As I think on this, I realize how utterly impossible it is to do both without You having loved me first and You abiding within me. You give me the ability to do both - love You and others as You do. Your capacity to love unconditionally resides within me. The key is to abide in You and dwell in Your Presence, and to allow Your Spirit to actively work within me, changing me into Your vessel of love and mercy. My mind is now challenging me on how well I am doing both of these commandments. Do I love You with all heart, soul, mind, and strength or just part of it? Do I have other idols that I love more, things that distract and take my focus from You? Do I really love others more than myself? Do I love those that hurt me or falsely accuse me or even my enemies? My answer is … sometimes! I am not perfect at doing both of these commandments … yet! But, because You abide within me and are changing me daily into Your likeness, I am getting better at it. I am able to love because You first loved me, and gave Your Son as the propitiation for my sins, but not only mine, but the whole world’s sins. Perfect me in Your love, Papa God. Help me to always love You as I should, and to love others as You love them.
Good morning, My child!
I am committed in My love for you. I AM Love, and My love can never fail. Remember and commit this truth in your heart. Nothing can ever separate you from My love for you – not your past, not your failures, not your sins, not your scars and hurts, not even at those times of your disobedience to My will. Absolutely nothing! When you believed and confessed that Jesus is Lord and the Son of God, you became My child. Nothing can sever that relationship. All I see when I look upon you is My Son’s righteousness covering you. I have sealed you in Him with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of My promises to you. You are Mine forever. Yes, My little one, you love because I first loved you and abide within you. I am perfecting you with each day as you sojourn through life on your way to Me. Continue to love Me with all your heart and soul and mind and strength’s capacity, and as you go, love others in My name. The world needs you to show them My unending love for them. Tell them how I have changed your life. Your ministry to others is found where you have been broken. Remember those places. It is from there that I speak My love through your life. Your testimony is found where I have restored and changed you. Go forth into this day and share both.
(Phil.3:10-14; Rom.8:38-39; 2 Tim.4:25; John 10:28-30; 1 Cor.13:4-8; John 1:12; Eph.1:13-14; 4:30)
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