Good morning, Papa God!
It has been a good start to this day, sitting here with You and Your Word opened up on my lap. Your Word is perfect, and sure, and right, and pure, and true. It restores my soul, makes me wise, causes my heart to rejoice, enlightens my mind, and it is more desirable to me than all the wealth of this world. Your Word magnifies all that You are, Papa God – perfectly holy, perfectly wise, perfectly righteous and just, perfectly pure, perfect in all Your ways. In Your Presence. I am aware of my hidden faults and presumptuous sins (those I deliberately and intentionally do). They may be hidden from the world, but they are never hidden from You. Acquit me of these, Papa God, based on the righteousness of Christ that covers me. He is the One who makes me holy and blameless before You. It is not because of any works of righteousness which I have done, but it is according to Your mercy and grace that I am saved from my sin. You and You alone do the work of salvation. You have chosen me to be Your messenger of grace to others … Your hands and feet and mouthpiece. You know that I am not perfect, and yet You use me, all the while perfecting me every moment through Your grace and love. I continue to be eager to learn from You and to serve You with all the passion and love I have for You within me. You have given me the gift of teaching, the great privilege of teaching others of You and Your Word. Fill my mouth with Your Word which is needed to bring life, encouragement, wisdom, and strength to others. I know that I often question my usefulness as Your ambassador to the world, reflecting Jesus to others. Often I feel that I am weak and inadequate, but You more than compensate for my inabilities. You have called me; You have chosen me to do this for You. I am Your servant and student. Instruct and teach me the way that I should go. Help me to be faithful to teach others what I have been taught by You.
Good morning, My child!
You are teachable! Your soul hungers and thirsts for Me. You understand that to teach others, you must first be teachable yourself. You must always be able to recognize your need, and My ability to meet that need. You, My child, have learned the secret of being a disciple of Christ. It took a while but you finally got it, and I am smiling over you! The secret is not about the “doing”, it is about the “being”. It is a deep devotion to Jesus Christ, a willingness to lay down your life, so that He may take it up again and use it to My honor and glory. A life laid down, My child, has the distinct characteristics of insignificance and meekness. Now, do you see why this period of time (post-retirement) of being still was needed? The “doing’ is not as important in My work for you as the “being”. You have had to learn that the insignificant tasks of your life have meaning, and that the most significant thing you “do” each day is “be” with Me. Do not question your usefulness to Me. I have called you and I have chosen you to be My instrument of teaching My Word to others, to encourage others, to give sound wisdom to others. I have asked you to be content with your life as it now is. I am using you, My child. Truly I am! Relax and know that I am God! I am with you always – with each step you take. When you teach others, I am with you. I will give you the words to speak in that hour.
(Psa.19; Psa.32:8; Isa.50:4; Titus 3:5; 2 Tim.2:2)
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