Good morning, Papa God!
Resting for me is a very difficult thing to do. Slowing down, stopping, ceasing activity is hard when I see so much that needs doing. Forgive me when I continue doing until I am empty. Help me remember that You are my source of supply and that I need to stop and rest. You have not asked me to do it all. You have asked of me to do only a few things for You. Help me have a soft answer, a gentle spirit, a smile that warms a life, a touch for those in despair. Let others see You in me.
Good morning, My child!
You ask Me to help, My child, with problems and decisions that abound.
Then you struggle by yourself to fix, to change, and then wonder why you run aground.
Why do you attempt the things that are Mine? Bring them to Me, and I will fix and change and do in My time. You rest. Do not strive. Do not plan. Do not fix. Do not look for new things to do. Just stop and rest.
Pull aside from the world’s demands and its call. I never called you to do it all.
I am your Refuge. Come inside. Remain and abide. In any and every circumstance, listen and enjoy My presence. At this time and with this test, the path leads you to a place of rest. Do not resist and think to persist. Keep Me in your sight. My yoke is easy. My burden is light.
Gentle warrior, for such you are. I do see your struggles to make a difference in a world that is so indifferent, tolerant of all kinds of sin and evil. You are an oxymoron to the term war and battle. You fight with mercy, gentleness and love, not with words and prattle. You ask Me why I would give you the gift of mercy, a spirit of gentleness, then send you out to fight the battle like a lamb among the wolves, meekness. Have you noticed that people respond to a soft answer, a soft look, a gentle spirit more than a confrontation or a strong rebuke?
You be all I have made you to be. Do not fear. You give to those within your reach, your smile, your warmth, your listening ear, your merciful and gentle touch. Most people are looking for just those things and cannot find such. Remember, My gentle warrior, You are My heart, My hands and My feet. I can see so much of Me in you, both inside and out. Reflect Me to those you meet.
(Matt.11:28; Isa. 26:3; Matt,10:16; Prov.15:1; Col.4:6)
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