Your Grace!

Published on 11 June 2024 at 07:43

Good morning, Papa God!

I am not sure why my thoughts of this morning have led me to the subject of Your grace. But here I sit dwelling on the magnitude of Your grace, something that is far and away too high and deep for my mind to comprehend. It compares in depth and magnitude to Your unending, immeasurable love. Grace and Love poured out upon me to such depths that I cannot fully comprehend it or find the words to describe it. Your grace is: marvelous, infinite, free, undeserved, unmerited, unearned, Your favor, always enough, always sufficient, abounds, draws sinners to Yourself through Jesus, leads and guides all the way to my heavenly home. Papa God, I want and need more of Your grace every day so I can love and trust You more, and to live my life more deeply in the essence of Who You are. I marvel (always have) at the depths of Your love and the magnanimous, free gift of grace that You have given to me. But not just to me, but to all who would believe in Jesus, and accept and apply what He did on the cross to their sins. Your grace is poured out upon that life. I can testify that this is true because You did it for me!

Good morning, My child!

The fullness of My grace and My unending mercy and love are always upon you. Yes, while you are still bound in the finite, it is hard to fully comprehend the infinite quality and depth of My grace and love. But, as you have learned, deep friendships are formed through true and real communications. Trusting one another. Knowing one another, the heart and hopes of the other. Ours is a deep friendship, based on your willingness to be still in My Presence and learn of Me and My heart. I love to spend time with you each morning. I want to hear what is on your heart and to speak to you My Words of love and wisdom. I want you to hear My heart. I want this with all My kids. You have learned to extend this time from just the morning to being in My Presence throughout your daily routine. Our friendship is deep. My love and My grace poured out on you is full and deep and overflowing. Because you have learned to be still before Me, I have been able to divulge to you My thoughts, My plans for you, My hopes for you, My secret counsel, and deeper revelations of Who I am! You have learned to stop talking and doing, and to be still so you can hear Me. I am your best friend and will lead you all the way home to Me. No one knows you and your needs like I do!

(Eph.1:7,2:8-9; 2 Cor.12:9; Rom.5:15,20-21; Titus 2:11-14; Heb.4:15-16; John 1:14, 16-17)

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