Good morning, Papa God!
I have awakened to a new day, one that You have made! I will rejoice and be glad in it because You have given it to me to live my life to Your glory. That is my prayer for today, that my life would be lived in such a way as to bring You honor and glory. Watch over my mouth, and set a guard at the door of my lips. Watch over my steps, and set my feet on only the paths of righteousness. Guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Yes, Papa God, this is my prayer this morning that the living out of my life may please You. Every day is new! Forgetting what happened yesterday, today I get to start over because Your mercies and forgiveness are new every morning. My Papa God, You faithful to the deepest needs of my heart; You know me full well! I listen today for Your voice, and ask for my spirit to be renewed. Thank You for always pursuing my heart. Every day I need to be transformed from the inside out. Continue to cleanse me and make me like You.
Good morning, My child!
You are being transformed every day into the likeness of Jesus. I do work all things together for good for those who love Me and are called to My purpose. But “good” is not your definition of good, but Mine! Your good, by My definition, is being conformed into the likeness of My Son. Every one of My children have those “things” that I am using to transform them from the inside out. And so, I use the “things” (events and circumstances of your life) to do just that - transform! Yes, child, when you were younger I know that you built a wall, brick by brick, around your heart. You built it high so no one could hurt you again. And, over the years of your life, I have been removing that wall one brick at a time, conforming you to the image of Jesus. Continue to give Me those “things” of your life, and let Me use them for your good. I am very good at flattening walls and removing rubble; just ask those people at Jericho. You are becoming more like Jesus every day. I smile and rejoice over you.
(Psa.118:24; Psa.141:3; Psa.23:3; Phil.3:13, 4:7; Lam.3:22-23; Rom.8:28-29)
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