Good morning, Papa God!
You know my frame. You know me through and through, and You remember that I am but dust. You know my heart and its condition, and the deceitfulness of it. You know the dichotomy of it, both the wickedness part of it and the great love I have for You part of it, the part that is flesh and sin, and the part that loves You and obeys You, and confesses my sin to You. You those who are Yours, and You protect and keep Your sheep safe, even from ourselves at times. Through Jesus, my Good Shepherd, I have eternal life and will perish. No one can snatch me from Your hand. You hold me securely. You see, with eyes like a flame of fire, everything about me. You see all the way to the depths of my heart and soul, and still always love me. Oh, yes, Papa God, how precious is Your lovingkindness. I am abundantly satisfied with the fullness of You and Your pleasures, for with You is the fountain of life. So, yes, Papa God, teach me Your ways that I may live according to Your truth. Make my heart pure and clean so that I may honor You with my life. I know getting rid of the rubble in my life is sometimes a slow and painful process, and seems downright impossible at times. But the good news is that what I think is impossible for me to do, You got it! You can always do the impossible in my life, including cleaning up all the rubble of sin in my life. When I confess it, You forgive me and clean it up! You are a faithful and good Father!
Yes, My child, Jesus did take care of sin through His death on the cross. It was why He came to earth – to set people free from sin’s penalty and give them a way back to Me. You understand this. Continue to share it with others that I place in your path. Thank you for letting Me choose the way you are to go and the open doors you are to go through. You know and understand and believe in Me. You know I have never failed to give you wisdom and direction when you have asked Me for it; when you have committed your will to Mine, and trusted Me to do what only I can do … everything! I am able to do immeasurably more than you ask or imagine! I create a clean heart in you, and I renew a steadfast spirit within you. I give you strength for each step. I forgive all sin when it is confessed to Me. Do not live with regrets. Let them go and forgive yourself. I have!
(Jer.17:9-10; 2 Tim.2:19; Rev.2:18; John 10:14,27-28; 1 John 1:9; Psa.103:14; Psa.86:11; Psa.36:7-9; Psa.51:10)
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