Good morning, Papa God!
My mind is racing this morning. Why? I am unsure of the reasons, just feeling mentally overwhelmed. I’m sitting here trying to breathe deeply and be still before You. You show me the path of life every day; it is found in Your Presence. Joy and life eternal and things which You have prepared for those who love You are in You. How great is Your goodness which You have laid up for those who reverence You and love You. Oh, yes, Papa God, it is well with my soul. Haste the day when my faith in You will be sight! The day will come when I will see You face-to-face, Papa God, and will my Lord Jesus, the One who died in my place for my sins. Thank You, Papa God, for sending Christ, my substantial provision! You bless me each and every day, and often I don’t even know it or acknowledge it. You show Your love for me in generous portions. You are so good to me – all the time! As Your child, through Christ’s provision on the cross, I stand before You in this place of undeserved privilege … Your child and coheir with Christ. It really is an unbelievable state of honor and blessing.
Good morning, My wonderful child!
Why do you ever imagine that I question your love? Your constant return to My Presence surely proves otherwise. Any confessed sin is forgiven. I do not hold it against you or even remember it, and it certainly does not negate My love for you or your love for Me. It is why Jesus died … to set you free from the penalty and power of sin. Our time together is precious to Me and to you. The time you spend with Me, listening with your heart, is valuable growth time for you, and it is never wasted time. In all of your life’s days, look only to Me. I am the calm in all your storms. I am your peace in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. When you are in My Presence, you will be at rest and your strength is renewed.
(Psa.31:19; Psa.16:11; John 3:16; 1 Cor.2:9-10; 2 Cor.5:19-21; Heb.8:12; 1 John1:9; Phil.4:19; Isa.43:25; Psa.36:7-9)
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