
Published on 15 May 2024 at 08:19

Good morning, Papa God! 

How blessed am I! Even now as I try to name and count them all, I know the list will be endless. What has amazed me is that so many of my blessings have come from the times of uncertainty, struggling, and hardships. You just always have a way of turning “water” into “wine”, bad or ordinary into good! You have taught me how to look for Your goodness in every situation, and find the blessing. Sometime, I had to wait for the blessing to arise from the ashes, but it always did if I was willing to look for it. You are good all the time. By Your very nature, You cannot be anything but perfect goodness and perfect love. Oh, I know bad things and sad things happen to good people, even Your children. But You bring beauty from ashes for Your children in Your way and in Your time. When one of Your children seek You, they will find You. You heal the hurting and broken-hearted. You heal the downtrodden. Your touch heals everything in Your way and in Your time – spiritual, emotional, and physical struggles. Yes, to count all my many blessings would take my lifetime and on into eternity.

Good morning, My child!

I love your faith and trust in Me. You come to the right place for healing every time – Me! I know everything about you and what you need and when – the emotional pain, the physical pain, the mental pain, and your spiritual struggles and pain. I know all the pain you have suffered, and yes, I have brought much good from it. Because you believed and trusted in My love for you, you have been healed of so much within you, most of which was not physical. Be at peace, My child! I do work all things together for good for those who love Me and are called according to My purpose. I love you with an everlasting love, and you are a new creation in Christ Jesus. I am making all things new about you, a little at a time.

(Mark 5:25-34; Isa.61:1-3; Jer.29:13; Rom.8:28; Psalms 66; 2 Cor.5:17; Rev.2:15)

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