Would You Wear a Crown?

Published on 11 May 2024 at 08:15

Good morning, Papa God!

In the vastness of this planet and all the billions of people on it, to whom would You have me show Jesus? Where do I go today to meet the needs of others? It is used to be easier because I worked and there were opportunities all around me at work. I am sure that even in retirement there are a multitude of opportunities. Help me to see them better than I currently do.

Good Morning, My child!

You are My royal daughter, a co-heir with Christ, hidden in Him. You are Mine because of what Christ did, not what you do. But, yes, I would have you behave and act like Christ in the way you live your life. I have some questions that I would like for you to ponder. To wear your crown of righteousness, your crown of glory, your crown of life, your crown of exultation, and your wreath imperishable that are awaiting you, would you also then perform the duties of one who wears a crown?

Would you deny yourself and live only for the King and would you keep your eyes fixed only on Him?

Would you find your strength in His kingship and authority, and not your own?

Would you bind up the broken-hearted?

Would you extend a hand to those who have fallen?

Would you proclaim liberty to the captives and freedom to the prisoners?

Would you give a smile to those whose laughter has been lost?

Would you give comfort to those who mourn?

Would you encourage those disheartened and those who have given up?

Would you fill the loneliness of another with your time?

Would you welcome the stranger into your circle of friends?

Would you be a burden bearer to one bent low beneath a heavy load?

Would you supply answers to the doubter and strengthen the faith of another?

Would you be the light and the reflection of your Father in the midst of another’s darkest hour?

Would you clothe the naked, feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty?

With the right to wear the crown, as My child, comes the demands and the responsibilities of that crown.

(Isa.61:1; Matt.25:35-40)

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