Good morning, Papa God!
Here I am again, Lord, seeking, searching, longing, desiring, confessing, repenting. Do You ever get tired of hearing from me? Tired of being my Parent? Papa God, I am seeking You, longing for heaven’s home and You, searching out the depths of You, desiring to know more of You, confessing my sins. I am not where I need to be yet; but, praise Your name, I am not where I was. Your grace supplied has brought me this far, and it will lead me home. Teach me over and over again the joy that is found when I wait for You. Keep me from racing ahead of You or lagging behind You. Slow me down each day and teach me how to wait in Your presence. There is such joy in Your presence.
Good morning, My child!
My resounding answer to you is No! I never get tired of hearing from you or being Your parent. You are My treasure, My precious possession, My favorite – the apple of My eye. How could I tire of your company? I anxiously await our times together. I look forward to them. I know you struggle with where you are in your progress of becoming like Me. But you are making great progress. You know it is a journey, so relax. I AM proud of your progress. My child, in the midst of waiting, do not miss the joy all around you. There is joy in waiting. It is in Me. While waiting, what opportunities do you see? Trusting in Me. Feeding on My faithfulness. Delighting in Me. Committing your way to Me. Doing good. It is a painful process of dying to yourself and living for Me alone, of choosing My desires over your own. Remember, My child, waiting produces growth. Arise, My determined warrior. Growing up and learning to be more like Me takes such perseverance. Stay the course.
(Matt.11:28-30; Rev.3:20; Jer.29:12-14a; Psa.37:3-7a)
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