Good morning, Papa God!
Just as I am, I come to You! Every day You create a newness within me. Every day the “old” is passing away, and You are making all things new in me. You restore that which is lost; You bestow a new identity on me. You create new life from that which was dead. You continue to refresh my reality with new hope and life. New beginnings in life are found in You through Jesus Christ, and when He returns (and He surely will just as He promised), He will make everything new – new heaven, new earth, and a new Jerusalem. And I say, along with all those Christians who have gone before me, “Even so, come Lord Jesus.” And every day while I wait, let me be found doing Your will in my life. I am thankful for how You have changed me over the years, and for all the newness left for You to do within me. I know and accept that You are still working on me to make me what I ought to be. I can’t wait to see who I am when You are done with creating newness and change within me. I am the temple of the Living God. So amazing that You dwell within me with Your Spirit. Your Presence is with me always. Where can I go that Your Presence is not there? What a blessing and a joy! Search me, my Papa God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way within me and clean it up. Always continue to make me new, removing that which is displeasing to You. You are my heart’s desire.
Good morning, My lovely daughter!
As you know and have experienced in your lifetime, I make all things beautiful in its time. No one can fathom all I have done from beginning to end. You are learning to trust My timing in all your affairs. I see all time, eternity past and eternity future. I see it all. You can trust Me because I see all times, and I see you and your life and its circumstance in the context of all of eternity. Oh, yes, and I have put eternity into your heart. I am Sovereign over all there was, is, and will be. Yes, My wonderful child, you can trust Me to do the very best for you – always! From My perspective! Why My perspective? Because I see it all and how everything impacts you and you the world. I am making you into who I designed you to be. You are My workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which I prepared beforehand that you should walk in them. Yes, I am still working in you, creating newness and beauty every day. Allow Me time to water the seeds I planted. Reaping a harvest only comes after the planting! I called you to bear fruit. You did! You are! And you will!
(2 Cor.5:17; Rev.21:1-5; Psa.139:7-8,23-24; Phil.2:13; Eccl.3:11)
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