Hearing is a Choice!

Published on 3 May 2024 at 09:03

Good morning, Papa God! 

Thank You for sustaining me through each and every day, especially these last few days of healing and recovery as my body gets stronger. I recognize very clearly that I am not a very good patient, and I do not like being slowed down physically. But, You have given me this time to be more still and attentive to Your voice. As a result, I have become more spiritually minded, and thus, more at peace. You have called me to be at peace, and that true peace is only found in You. You keep me in perfect peace when my mind is stayed upon You. You are my shield about me, my glory, and the One who lifts my head, encourages, loves, and holds me. Papa God, You have been making me into Your image, to do Your work as a hidden person, not one in the spotlight. You ask me to walk by faith, not in self-assurance. Doing Your work hidden from the view of others is Your standard. It is all about You and Your glory, not mine. And this is the lesson I have been learning as You have led through many different circumstances. I t is finally sinking into my character. Thank You for Your patience as I learned this.

Good morning, My child!

My peace I give to you – always – as you rest in My Presence. You can hear My still, small voice deep within you. It is just not My style to thunder answers from heaven with a booming voice. You hear Me when you are still before Me, and you have tuned out all the other voices and noises in your life. I will always respond to you in the midst of where you are, and work in and through the situations. I am with you in the midst of your events and circumstances, working in you for My good pleasure and for your growth and faith in Me. Think about it! Did I save My saints of old from their circumstances? Or My Son from the cross? I was with them (and Him) in and through it, but I did not deliver them from the event or circumstance. I was with My Son on the cross. I was with Daniel in the lions’ den. I was with Moses and the Israelites at the Red Sea as they went through it. I was with David in the valley where he met Goliath. I was with the three Israelite boys in the fiery furnace. Yes, they were saved, but only after they obediently went through the event. So, yes My child, I do speak and often! But you must listen with your spiritual ears. All have them, My child, but not all choose to use them. You have chosen to use yours, and therefore, you hear Me above all the other voices and noise. Simply put, My child, hearing is a choice, and you have chosen well. Continue to go deep into things that belong to Me. Sink deeper into My heart and My ways. Let My Spirit lead you deeper still.

(Rom.8:6; Psa.3:3; Isa.26:3; Phil.2:13; Isa.46:10; Matt. 6:1,13:16-17)

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