Altar of Incense!

Published on 23 April 2024 at 08:11

Good morning, Papa God! 

As I sit here in Your Presence, I have no words. I realize that the words are difficult to find that mean what I feel. Sometimes, Papa God, the words just aren’t there. But I offer up my wordless prayer to You, the one from my heart, the one filled with love for You, the one filled with thanksgiving. You know my heart, even when I am speechless, without words. You care about me and every word spoken to You in prayer, and all those unspoken ones. You care so much about them that You save them in Your altar of incense where the cries of my heart rise up before Your Presence continually, a sweet smelling aroma to You, a magnificent scent! Others may doubt the power of prayer, but I do not…now! There was a time I struggled with prayer and how it worked. Truth is, I now know that every word I speak or whisper to You in the night finds You.  With every whispered word I make out loud or within my heart, You will answer me with Your wisdom and in Your time.

My child,

I do hear you – always! How far you have come regarding prayer! There was a time you were not sure prayer worked or why it was needed since I already knew your heart and what you needed. Your heart has softened and your skepticism has fled. I rejoice! I care about what you have to say. I care about those lives you bring to Mein prayer, for Me to do My will in their lives according to My plan for them. I care and yes, I save your prayers as incense in a bowl on My altar. The fragrance from all the prayers of all My saints is absolutely magnificent. Such is the worship that is being offered up to Me! My child, if I did not spare My own Son, but gave Him for you and all people, how will I not also, along with Him, graciously give you all that you need and more! The key to prayer is trusting Me to know what to give you and when to give it, and to trust that what I give is the best for you. I am your Loving Father. Of course, I want only the best for you … so sometimes I do withhold from you the things that I know would harm you, derail your life, or give you pain. Yes, you understand this now. It pleases Me that you have discovered that I find great delight in you. Your words, spoken and unspoken in prayer, are lifted up to Me in the sweet aroma of worship. You, My wonderful prayer warrior, please Me.

(Rev.8:3-4; Psa.141:2; Rom.8:32; Matt.7:7-11)

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