
Published on 22 April 2024 at 07:24

Good morning, Papa God! 

I come boldly to the throne of my gracious God! I lift up my voice and hands in praise to You. Such a privilege to be Your child. I know that You love my company and You want to hear what I have to say. But, oh how I love to hear what You say to me. It is so much more important than what I have to say. I lay before You my day such as it is. I ask You to supply everything I need; guide me in the way that You know is best for me. You have entrusted to me the stewardship of this day, to live out this day to Your honor and glory. Show me the way to go, the words to speak, and the deeds to do today. The love of Christ compels me, Papa God, to make a difference in others’ lives today, but how or what I do not know or see as yet. Keep my eyes open to all Your opportunities in this day. Here I am! I acknowledge where I am now, and that this is where You have led me so use me where I am. Here I am; send me! I am ready and prepared to do the very smallest thing You ask of me to the very largest – size makes no difference. It does not matter what I want to do, only what You want me to do. Whatever Your plans are for me, I am here and ready. For I am Your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which You prepared beforehand that I should walk I them. Help me walk in them today.

Good morning, My child!

What a beautiful morning! All creation is singing praises! I love to hear your praise and thanksgivings from your heart. Your joy from within you overflows! It is the fruit of My Spirit. Walking in agreement with Me and accepting My will with joy causes you to be at peace. It means you have relinquished control of your life, and most especially your mind to Me. Yes, I gave you free will, and you can choose to manage your life and be controlled by your desires and plans, choosing not to follow My will. I have let you do that many times during your life, and we both know where that path led you. It certainly disrupted our fellowship together. But when you came to your senses and returned to Me, I forgave you and opened My arms to you. I love always. I even love you enough to let you choose – My will or your will. But, despite your choices, you are always My child because of your decision long ago to apply Jesus’ death on the cross to your sin debt. That makes you My child forever, no matter what you may choose to do day-by-day. If you confess your sins, I am faithful to forgive – each and every time. So, continue each day, My child, to submit to My will and say, “Here I am. Send me!” My will for your life is so much better for you than your will could ever be. Trust Me in this!

(1 John 1:9; Rom.8:6,38-39; Exo.3:4; Isa.6:8; 1 Sam.3:4; Gen.31:11; Eph.2:10; Gen.22:1)

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