Good morning, Papa God!
Good upon good, blessing upon blessing, grace upon grace. Of Your fullness, I have received. Day after day, Your abundance flows over me, whether the day has high demands, or it is ordinary, or it is difficult. Your love for me is so full and Your grace is so boundless, my cup overflows! How I thank You, Papa God! I am so richly blessed at all times and in all ways, no matter what the circumstances in my life may be. Whom have I in heaven besides You? There is none on earth that I desire besides You. Lead and guide me as I move through this day. All my eyes see are the ordinary tasks of my life. Take what I do and use it for Your purposes … the phone call made, the text written, the prayers said, the lesson studied and taught, the meal delivered, the blog written. I rarely see outcomes and results of my life’s deeds done. But I know and believe that You never let a single moment of my life slip between Your fingers without precise direction and purpose. You never forget about me and You never forget the deeds and words of my life, except the sins that You have forgiven and forgotten. I am forever engraved in the palms of Your hands, held there securely for all eternity. It does not matter if I have the riches and things of this world. I have the riches of You, and so I have all I need in this life. Oh, yes. Papa God, I am blessed, full, and overflowing.
Good morning, My beautiful child!
Yes, you are rich beyond all measure, and you have not even seen it all yet. There is so much more in store for you in your heavenly home. No eye has seen nor ear heard all that I prepared for those who love Me. I can hardly wait to show it all to you and for you to see it all. Oh, and by the way, your life has great influence … one person at a time. Continue to step into the lives of those around you and those friends near and far. As My Spirit lives and dwells within you and you listen to His voice, Jesus will shine forth and speak life into others ... because you do influence. There was only one Moses, one David, one Abraham, one Billy Graham. And there is only one – YOU! I use all My children in this world as I choose. I send and direct, and no one’s path and influence is the same. Through each one of My children’s lives, I produce the harvest from the seeds planted. Continue to plant the seed of the gospel as you go about your ordinary life. I will reap the extraordinary from it.
(John 1:16; Psa.23:5; Psa.73:25)
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