
Published on 10 April 2024 at 08:16

Good Morning, Papa God!

I have choices today. Will I make wise and good choices or will I choose poorly? The choice is mine and mine alone, and whichever one I choose, I own it. The choices I make do not belong to another, and cannot be put on another. Oh, I can try to shift blame and rationalize my choices, but deep down inside, I know they are mine, even when I lie and say they are not. You, my God, know the truth and so do I. I know my life’s summation is all about the choices made – big ones, small ones, routine ones, health ones, money ones, career ones, and the list goes on. Mostly, my life has been good and wise choices – thankfully! But, there have sure been some “whoppers” in there that have been poor ones. Thankfully, You have seen me through them all, forgiven me for my bad choices, and brought good from those bad choices. Thank You for Your constant care through all the days of my life thus far. I raise my “Ebenezer”. Best choice I ever made in my life was accepting Jesus into heart and what He did for me on the Cross. He paid my sin debt in full. So thankful for that choice! As Lysa Terkeurst said, “we don’t always get to choose our situations, but we can choose how we live through them.” So today, Papa God, help me make wise choices.

My child,

When you choose to follow Me every day in all your ways and you put your hope in Me, you will never be disappointed. I will exceed your expectations. Your first choice today which you have made is to meet with Me. You have been faithful in this choice each day thus far in your life. Your desire to have a quiet time and place for us every morning pleases Me. It is the best choice you make all day, and you make a lot of good choices each day. I am the One who called you. I know the way you will go. So, hear Me when I say to you, “I believe in you.” Your choices have led you to where you are, and I have led you in your choices. When you have not listened to Me and went your own way, I have also guided your steps back to My will and My way for you. You are right where you need to be. Trust Me! I make all things new! I am taking all your victories, all stumbling, and all your setbacks and I am using them to the fullest in My plan for you. You have been chosen by Me. Again – trust Me. I believe in you. Your new open door is coming! Continue to seek Me, to trust Me, and to select the wise choice.

(Eph.3:20; Psa.86:11; Rom.8:28; 1 John 1:9; Joshua 24:15; Deut.30:19-20; Prov.18:15; Prov.13:13-16; 1 Sam.7:12)

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