Proper Perspective!

Published on 9 April 2024 at 08:39

Good Morning, Papa God!

As I sit here this morning contemplating Your path for my life going forward, I am reminded by Your Spirit of these words … “Do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand, and a thousand years is as a day.” Your timing of events is Your timing of events. You are not slack concerning Your promises whether they are promises made to me or to all mankind. You are faithful and true to all Your promises made. For You have said it and it is therefore done. Your Word spoken accomplishes whatever You please and will not return to You void. Therefore, Papa God, I continue to wait (some days well, some days not so well) for Your perfect timing of Your plan and my ordered steps. A quiet morning with You, the One who loves me so much, puts all the events of this day and those to come into proper perspective – Your perspective. I am at peace and rest because Your Presence is with me and goes with me into this day. And what does this day hold for me? I do not know and that’s okay because You do. I am sure that it will be just my ordinary things that I do. But, as You have told me many times, You like to use ordinary things to accomplish Your will. As You have said to me often … “Miracles occur the most from ordinary lives, doing ordinary things.” So, I give You my ordinary life to accomplish Your will in and through it.

My child,

You are My precious ordinary vessel! I love ordinary! I use ordinary! Oh, and by the way, all My saints are really just ordinary vessels too, despite the pedestals others put them on. In Me, you have all you need to accomplish all that I have planned for you to do. I know My timing often causes you to be impatient. I know you want more information and for doors to be opened. There is a very good reason why I do not give you more information at this time. You are one of My very active “doers”, and if you had more information you would begin to plan and design and organize. This would become a hindrance to you for following My will and My way. You would tend to bypass Me and My power working in and through you. So, I have you in a listening, growing, and being still pattern until you are ready for My next assignment for you. Until then, and even when the next door open appears, I want you to understand how vitally important your ordinary life is to Me. You will be absolutely amazed one day when I show you the results of your ordinary life in My kingdom’s work. Continue to desire Me and My will for your life above all else, even when I do ask you to plan, design, organize, and execute. Whatever you do, do it all as unto Me – allowing Me to lead.

(2 Peter 3:8-9; Isa.55:11; Psa.37:23; Col.3:23)

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