Secret Service!

Published on 3 April 2024 at 08:09

Good Morning, Papa God! 

In quietness and trust I sit here in Your Presence, at peace with my life as it now is and where I am in life. No, that does not mean I understand it all or that my vision of my steps isn’t blurry. The truth is I don’t understand all You have planned for me nor do I know where my future steps will take me, but You do! So, I sit here in the quietness of my soul, and I trust You to lead me to each open door that You have for one … one day at a time! For just today, Papa God, open my eyes that I may see the opportunities of this day, and do whatever You have given me to do to serve You and others.

My child,

You have been called to both - a teacher and a secret service agent. One role is very much in the open and visible to others. One role is behind-the-scenes and very undercover. You serve Me in both ways, but one is not more important than the other, just because it is more visible. I do not miss a thing in your life whether you are teaching My Word, or quietly going about living your life in quiet obscurity. You cannot know how your day-in, day-out service ministers to others. But I do! The service to others does matter in the eternal scheme of things. I have seen all those acts throughout your life – changing diapers, preparing meals, writing text messages of encouragement, raising your children to know Me, being a leader at church and at work, listening to others’ needs and giving My wisdom to them – and they all had value to Me. Again, let Me say to you – I do not miss a thing. Every smile, every hug, every piece of laundry folded, every meal is a fragrant offering of worship to Me. So, continue to be both for Me - a teacher and a secret service agent.

(Job 23:10-11; Psa.119:133; Isa.30:15; Jer.29:11; Psa.37:23; Prov.16:9)

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