Love & Delight!

Published on 31 March 2024 at 08:37

Good Morning, Papa God! 

There is much rejoicing on this Easter Sunday as Your children celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Because He lives again eternally so will all those who believe in Him. We will all be raised up bodily one day when He comes again. I lift my songs of praise to my Lord and Savior who loves me and gave Himself for me. As I go about my daily routine, let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight. You are my strength and my Redeemer. May I please You in all that I do and say today. I sit here with my head resting on the back of the chair and I look up. My mind is set upon You! There is such a deep longing for You, a desperation to be in Your Presence, to feel the warmth of Your smile. I sit here basking in Your love for me. Despite all my inadequacies, You love me without conditions or expectations. You give me grace and love unconditionally in and through every circumstance and season of my life. Even though I make mistakes, You see past those and You continue to delight in me.

Yes, I do delight in you, My child … now and always! Always walk out your days remembering that I am LOVE! My love is seen in its magnitude with giving of My Son to redeem all men from their sins and pay the debt owed for those sins. Love does not and cannot fail! Ever! Commit this to your memory. I am Love and Love is Me! Love thinks evil of no one. Love is not rude, but kind. Love is not proud, and doesn’t keep score of wrongs suffered. Love does not seek its own interest and it never rejects. Love always redeems. I want you to think of Me in this way. I am Love. I authored Love. It is My heart’s beat for you and all My children. I am forever in Love with you! So … who can impart My Love to others? My child, I am counting on you to do so! You are the vessel that I have chosen to show others My heart. Oh, and by the way, My little one, I do look past your mistakes and inadequacies, and I love unconditionally. Once you have confessed your sin, I forgive and restore our fellowship … and it is all in the rearview mirror. I ask you to do the same and quit being so hard on yourself. Let it be in the past and keep your eyes focused on Me and My Love for you.

(1 Cor.13; Psa.19:14; Zeph.3:17; Gal.2:20; 1 Thess.5:14-17; John 3:16)

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