Good Morning, Papa God!
In the stillness of this Good Friday morning, my thoughts are filled with the events of the first Easter weekend 2000 years ago, sadness to gladness in 3 days. I am sitting here thinking about the cross of Good Friday and the empty tomb of Easter Sunday, and all that Jesus’ death and resurrection means to me.
Good morning, My child,
The Cross of My Son has deep meaning to all who would take the time to dwell on its significance. I have given you My thoughts. Write them out for others to read and think upon.
The Cross – My pain, but your healing.
The Cross – My cries of agony, but your shouts of victory.
The Cross – My crown of thorns, but your crown of glory.
The Cross – My nakedness, but your garments of righteousness.
The Cross – My shame and humiliation, but your deliverance.
The Cross – My separation from the Father, but your bridge to the Father.
The Cross – My death, but your life.
The Cross – My victory and defeat of sin and death, but your freedom from sin and death’s hold.
The Cross – My willingness to die, but your forgiveness of sin.
The Cross – My LOVE, and your salvation.
Papa God,
Just as You gave Your Son for me on Calvary’s cross, without reservation, the cost to You and to The Lord Jesus being great, so I give myself to You, without reservation, holding back nothing. All that I am is Yours. If were I able to give back all I possess, I could never repay the debt of love I owe. But I do give all I possess – my life, my will, my soul, my body – for Your glory and pleasure. I am not my own. I have been bought with a price – the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
(1 Cor.1:18, 23-24; 2:2)
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