Why Do I Do What I Do?

Published on 2 April 2024 at 08:17

Good Morning, Papa God! 

As I meditate in Your Presence, being still, I find myself thinking about forgiveness. I again find myself asking forgiveness from You for things done and said and thought. When am I ever going to be better, and not need to ask for forgiveness over and over, often for the same things? I know the answer is when I am perfect which will be the moment I see You face-to-face. In the meantime, it continues to hurt my heart when I fail to be like You, causing me to yet again ask for forgiveness for the same sins. Will I ever conquer some of these sins and have them a part of my past? As I sit here, You gently remind me that many sins have long since been conquered with Your help and Your grace. You remind me from whence I have come, and how much You have changed me since the first day I knew You and became Your child. So, as I begin my day, help me to have self-control and discipline over my words and thoughts and deeds. Cover me with Your grace and strength. It is only when I am covered by You that I can accomplish successfully the guarding of my tongue and my mind. Give me the mind of Christ as I go through this day, and to do only that which pleases You.

My child,

I know you get frustrated when you lapse into a sin you thought you had overcome and conquered. But remember – all your sin has been covered and you have been forgiven through the blood of My Son. When you slip up and sin again, it disrupts our fellowship but never our relationship. Just bring the sin to Me when it happens. I will faithfully and continually forgive and cleanse you. Do not let this sin set you back. You are forgiven. Be strong and of good courage and move forward. Arise and begin working; I am with you. You are more than a conqueror through My power and grace. Your heart and your flesh may fail at times, but I am the strength of your heart and your portion forever.

(Rom.7:14-25; Phil.4:13; Eph.4:23-24; Psa.141:3; James 1:19; 1 Cor.2:10-16; Phil.2:1-7; 1 John 1:9 Rom.8:37; Psa.73:26)

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