Good Morning, Papa God!
Your Word says, “to whom much is given, much will be required.” I have been given much, and it is required of Your stewards to be found faithful in all that has been given. Since I am Yours and Your steward with what You have given me (my gifts, my talents, my money and possessions, my time), let me use it all in the lives of others, to minster to those around me that are in need. You are very pleased with sacrifices of ministering to others, whatever the need … physical, emotional, or spiritual. They are all considered deposits into my heavenly “bank” account. I always have two choices as I live my life here on this earth – two perspectives (mine or Yours), two treasuries (earth or heaven), two masters (You or Satan). Where I put my treasure (my possessions, gifts, money, and time) is truly where my heart is. Each day as I go, help me to see the needs of others and do what I can to meet those needs. I have come to understand that people’s needs come in all forms. You have shown to me that it can be teaching Your Word and meeting spiritual needs. But it can also be found in the wisdom You have given me, being shared with others, or comfort shown at a time of loss, or food given, or a place to stay when there is nowhere else to go. Keep me aware of those around me, and how I can show You to them through the act of meeting a need. You have called me to be wholly Yours, peculiarly Yours, special to You, eternally Yours. When I am following the Holy Spirit’s leadership and ministering to others in their time of need, this will definitely make me different than the culture around me. So, let me be different and meet needs. Let me be like You; let Your light shine from within me.
My child,
You are eternally Mine, and you look and act like Me. My light within you shines. Have you been completely transformed into the likeness of My Son yet? No, but the image is becoming more clear! Do you miss opportunities at times? Yes, but your eyesight is becoming sharper. There is joy in giving. They go together. Giving yourself away to others makes you My bondservant! I know to your own eyes your works and tasks seem trivial and small, but not to My eyes. I see and take notice every extra mile you take, every small and menial task in service to the “least of these”. Nothing you do in My name is ever done in vain. Thank you, My child, for lifting the burdens of others and lightening the load they carry. You have shouldered in prayer the hurts and griefs of others, and spoke My word to thirsty souls seeking wisdom and direction. I have seen and I know all that you have done. You have been faithful in the small and are ready for more opportunities. Stay faithful in your diligence to help others.
(Matt.6:19-21; Matt.25:34-36; Heb.13:16; Heb.6:10; 1 Peter 4:10; 1 Cor.4:2)
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