Good Morning, Papa God!
It is a comfort to know that You see me, even when I feel all alone. When I am in the middle of a wilderness, You come to me and speak words of hope from Your heart to mine. You save me out of all my circumstances, but not always how I would expect You to save me. As with Hagar in the Old Testament, You send me back from that which I was running away from. You see me in my places of joy and in my places of despair. You see my tears as I pour out my heart to You in my secret place -- in the shadow of Your Presence. You know all my sorrows; You collect all my tears and record every incident in Your book. You see me right where I am, and You know all my thoughts, my worries, and my needs. I know that You are closer than I even realize. Just a thin partition separates us – the temporal (things seen) and the spiritual (things unseen). I am known and treasured by You, and Your salvation covers me today and always. So, my Papa God, I cast all my cares upon You because You care for me and love me. You will show me the way I am to go, the steps that I am to take through the door that You will open. I trust You! Taking the next step is often so hard and requires much more of Your grace. There are times when there is a loss of interest and the desire to give up when there is no vision, no encouragement, and no improvement, but only the same experiences of everyday life with its trivial tasks. It is in these days that I require more of Your grace to steadfastly persevere. You see me! And I know the only way to live an undefeated life is to see You ... to look to You for all my needs and direction. The life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God Who loved me and delivered Himself up for me. I am crucified with Christ.
Good morning, My faithful desert walker!
The desert walk always has a Divine purpose … one of preparation for service. Did I not lead My Son into the desert for My purpose and His ministry preparation? You are exactly where you need to be right now. And you do exercise more influence than you realize, and your insights carry more weight than you know. My child, when you are seeking Me and surrendering your steps to My plan, when you are pursuing truth (Me!) with all your heart, then forget hesitation and flak! Make wise choices and let the results be My responsibility. Refuse to judge the fruit of your work unless I lead you to do. I am the Vinedresser. I will produce the fruit from your life. Be at peace, My child, and know that you are loved and protected. Yes, you are correct. I have allowed a lonely path for you – a path others have evaluated from their view as an easy one. Never mind what they think. I know your path. I know what you have suffered in silence through the hands of others. But, because you have, therefore, you have been chosen and hand-picked to demonstrate My heart to others who are hurting. Your own need for love and mercy has made you My vessel of mercy to demonstrate My love and care to other silent sufferers, like yourself. Do not look at this desert time as wasted time. I am redeeming your time and I make all things new, including you. I am the Master of time, and there is no loss in Me. Your preparation walk through the desert is necessary training. Embrace this time and learn more of Me and My plan for you. My love for you knows no bounds!
(Matt.4:1-11; Gen.16:6-13; Psa.56:8; Gal.2:20; 1 Peter 5:7; John 15:1)
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