Good Morning, Papa God!
On this Palm Sunday, I sit and contemplate the last week of Christ. He knew it was His last week to finish the work that You sent Him to do … our salvation path back to You via the Cross. To know that time would cease for me and this would be my last week – what thoughts would there be in this my last week? What deeds would be done? What words would be spoken? What would be important to finish in this my last week? Lord Jesus, You had a last week once. What were Your deeds done? Your words spoken?
They were varied and many! You taught and prepared, healed and comforted, shared and fellowshipped, sang and worshipped, prayed and forgave and loved, died and rose again to live forevermore. What were Your thoughts as You faced the Cross? What were Your struggles as You dealt with loss?
You resolutely set Your face toward the Cross, determined to surmount the challenges and finish the race despite the cost. You understand about the doubts, the fears, the struggles, the trials, and the temptations. You have been where I am now and overwhelmingly conquered all the challenges as You wore the crown of thorns on Your brow. Your last week accomplished much for all who would believe – forgiveness of sins, mercy, and grace beyond degree, love immeasurable, a bridge between us and the Father. This week lies before me. Is it my last week? Only You know. What about me? What results for eternity will this week see? I pray that all I do this week will have an eternal purpose and vision. Keep me focused on You.
My child,
How excellent is your summary of My Son’s work during His last week! Yes, He faced the Cross and finished His work of salvation. He went to the Cross because it was My will. Remember His words in the Garden of Gethsemane. He asked Me to take away the cup that He had to drink. But, He knew there was no other way for man’s salvation to occur, so He said, “Not My will, but Yours be done.” My child, it is the same for you. Let go of your will for how things should go, how you have planned them. Let My will be in control of your life. By letting go of your will and following Mine, you too will have a week that ministers to others. Until My Son’s return, or I call you home, make every week as if it were your last week.
(Eph.2:4-5,8-10; Matt.21-28; Luke 19-24; Mark 11-16; John 12-20)
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