Pruning Shears!

Published on 20 March 2024 at 08:09

Good Morning, Papa God! 

Thank You for sustaining me through the night, and for giving me a new day to serve You. Most days, I have little to do for You that seems impactful, at least from my perspective. But I know if You call me home to be with You, then my work and influence for You will end. I will have no more opportunities to speak of Jesus’ saving power and of Your great love, or to influence lives for a better walk with You, or to teach others Your Word. My days are numbered, and only You know what that number is. Help me to seize each day and make the most of each one You give me, doing something to be the fragrance of Christ to those around me. What that will look like each day is a mystery to me. I will trust You with each of my days, even in those days that appear to me to be just plain ordinary, uneventful days. So, I pray that you help me make the most of the days left to me. You are all I need in life. You alone are capable of carrying out Your plans for me and through me. Your plans for me are perfect. You see all my days and what You are doing and what You will do. I surrender and cease my striving to know and understand the details of Your plan.

Good morning, My child!

It is good that you have ceased striving and trying to figure everything out. You need to let go of what you have planned as My plan, and embrace what My plan actually is for you. Much of your challenges and circumstances are in your life to prune your life’s branches that are blocking your growth. Without My necessary pruning work in your life, you would fail grow into all I intend for you to be. Please surrender to My pruning shears! And if you watch at the point of where I am pruning you, you will see abundant fruit being produced from that point. Please be open to My pruning, and cease your struggles to understand all the ”whys” of everything.  All living and growing things (that includes you!) bloom more spectacularly after they are pruned. I am on your side, My child. I am your greatest fan and committed to your success. I know you intimately. I know what energizes you (purpose, people, and productivity), and I know what gets you down. I know your playbook, My child, and I am working with you, not against you, even in the pruning. Please grasp this truth – I am for you! So, My child, to win the race that I have set before you, you must run lean, without encumbrances, and entanglements. Thus, I prune! Yes, pruning can be painful, but the results are glorious to behold.

(James 4:14; John 9:4; Psalm 46:10; Heb.12:1; John 15:1-5; James 1:2-4)

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