Shining or Not!

Published on 18 March 2024 at 09:05

Good Morning, Papa God! 

My mind is still processing the sermon this morning. I have often pondered the meaning behind  Luke 11:33-36, but had never stopped to research it and learn its deeper meaning even though I have read the verse many times. Now that I understand it, it has left me with some profound thoughts about how my light shines. What do my eyes take in? If what comes in through my eyes is the light for my whole body and how it will  shine, then how well am I shining? When I am out in the world or around my family, is my light seen? Do others see me and say, “She is surely different. I want to be like her.” Or is my light so dim and hidden under the world’s influences that my eyes are focused on that I just blend in with the world? So, my eyes must be careful at what I see, what I take in, and what I focus on in my day. This is why You have told Your children to think on those things that are pure, holy, just, true and of good repute and virtuous, the things that are above and not of the earth. It is so Your light within us will shine forth brighter and brighter with no darkness within me or outside in the world blocking its glow. So, my prayer and plan is that I get better at what I let my eyes see and focus on each day. Papa God, help me make You the utmost delight and pleasure of my life. I want the desires of Your heart to be the desires of my heart.

Good Morning, My child!

Your eyes and heart spend a lot of time on Me. You are attuning your heart to Mine daily. Your light shines brightly and whatever dark corners remain, together we are cleaning them out so that My light of love within you will shine even brighter. Yes, My child, you are human with cracks – a cracked pot of clay, but from the cracks the light of My glory shines forth. I have chosen you, and the light from your life is destined to light the way for others to find Jesus. Each day, as you go about your ordinary tasks, show them who lives within you. Remember, My child, ordinary is what I use! It doesn’t take a huge spotlight to draw attention to My greatness and My love. All it takes is for My children to be committed and let My light shine for others to see.

(Matt.5:14-16; Luke 11:33-36 NLT; Psa.37:4)

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