Good Morning, Papa God!
Help me fight the good fight of faith today. I know I can only be strong in You and the power of Your might. I know, Papa God, that You preserve the way of Your saints, that You go before me to prepare and search out the way in which I should go. You alone lead me. You alone order my steps. Papa God, help me not to give up in this season where I have no vision, no defined purpose, no improvement, in the situation, but only the seemingly trivial tasks of my everyday life. Help me to steadfastly persevere by looking only to You for my next step. You alone open and closed doors. Sometimes I wonder why You do not open a door that I think should be opened until I see it from the other side. Sometimes that door is in the side of wall, fifty feet off the ground. If I open the door that You have closed, I would fall fifty feet and be hurt because I do not see what is on the other side of the door. Not every door should be walked through just because it is there in front of me. Sometimes that closed door is Your grace and protection. I am learning this lesson ever so slowly, but I am learning it.
My persevering child,
Continue in Me, fighting your good fight of faith. Surely you are aware by now that not every door set before you is a door you should walk through. Some of them stay closed to you for a reason, because you do not know the dangers on the other side. Do not even consider kicking down a closed door and doing a forced entry. It will always end with an unhappy ending. I open doors that no one can close, and I close doors that no one can open. Some closed doors can be opened, but should they be? Even the doors that are yours to open have a set time to open and a proper way of opening them. My child, if you have to forcibly open a door and it requires great efforts, stop and ask Me if you should even open it. Remember, I am the One who sets the open door before you, the one that you should go through. Do not let your impatience for My open door (the right door) cause you to go through a closed door by kicking it down and choosing a course for your life that is not of Me. Surely you have learned in your life’s journey the folly of these types of choices. Stay close to Me and you will not choose the wrong door. I promise! I am the One who goes before you to prepare the way and I am the One who walks next to you, holding your hand. Trust Me and live close to Me. I will guide your steps – always!
(Psa.61:1-4; Rev.3:8; 1 Tim.6:12; Deut.1:32-33; Eph.6:10; Prov.2:8; Deut.32:12; Psa. 37:23-24)
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