Good Morning, Papa God!
I am thinking about my walk with You since the first day I asked Jesus into my heart. A thought crossed my mind and the one word that best describes a life surrendered to You is TRUST! From the beginning to the end, this is all my walk with You is about! It is only about trusting You with all my heart, and not leaning on my own understanding of any circumstance or situation. I must trust You at all times, even when nothing makes any sense. It’s been that way since the beginning of my story, and it will be that way until You write the last page of my story. Trusting You means relying on You, depending on You, having confidence in You, in spite of what my eyes see or what my ears hear or how I feel. Trusting You means believing that You are God and that You will accomplish all things according to Your will. Trusting You means I believe that You got this – all of it! I also understand and know that I cannot faithfully do this trusting of You, in and of myself. Without Your Presence within me giving me the ability to believe and trust in You, I would fail miserably in my walk with You. How do I know this? Because of those times I chose to not listen to You and chose my own way and failed miserably. This causes me to remember Your great faithfulness to forgive, to have mercy on me, and to restore me to full fellowship with You. Yes, trusting You is what my life has been about – in the small things and the big things. It is a daily decision. This is the truth, Papa God. Your great power and faithfulness never fails me, never gives up on me, and will never leave me alone to fend for myself. Your love for me remains strong and immovable, regardless of my circumstances or my weaknesses. Thank You, Papa God, that You are wholly devoted to me, making me go deeper, to be pure in the very core of who I am. You have caused me to understand that You desire a pure heart, one that is completely devoted to You as You are to me. Help me to trust You with every area of my life, to lay it all down and be pure of heart before You. Thank You for all the opportunities to trust You more, even if these opportunities come wrapped as difficulties.
Good morning, My child!
Because you trust in Me, you have received this truth within your soul and spirit. It has come into sharp focus for you because of the difficulties, the struggles, and the challenges. You are correct. Each one of these was an opportunity to hone your ability to trust Me, even in the face of each of these challenging times in your life. You have My Word, and you have chosen to trust it. You have My promises to you, My word on it! What more do you need, My child? Forget your doubts and continue to trust Me as you have done for much of your life. Do not look at the outward appearances of your life, just trust Me. And guess what, My child? Despite your doubts or what you think is your current reality, I am still at work in you, around you, and through you. So, just trust Me. I have you held in the integrity of Who I AM. Your security is Me. Be patient in your waiting for My perfect timing, and continue in your trust journey. I desire a more excellent way for you. I really do have all your best interests and happiness in mind while I work out the events of your life according to My will for you. Do not fret about your path, where or when to go. I will make known the path of life. In My Presence is fullness of joy. Seek My Presence first and foremost.
Prov.3:5-6; Psa.62:8; Psa.32:8; Isa.30:21; Phil.2:13; Psa.16:11)
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