Have I Not Spoken?

Published on 9 March 2024 at 07:25

Good Morning, Papa God! 

Even when I do not know anything about “today” in my life or what I am going to do with it, I am thankful that You gave today to me. I pray and hope that I do something meaningful for You with it. I owe to You a debt of love that I can never repay. All You have ever asked of me is my love, my heart, and my life. On some days, I still find myself being so very self-centered, and not You-centered. It is so very hard letting go of any addiction, no matter what it is. It is so very hard being human, and being bombarded every day with the “draws” and “pulls” of the world.  Forgive me, Papa God, when I slip and fall. You are always there to pick me up, dust me off, mend the wounds, and forgive me. You always love me no matter how many times, as Your child, I miss Your mark and fail. Thank You for always loving me as You do! I so do not deserve it – never have! But You love me anyway. I am thankful that You know my heart and the depths of my love for You, even when I don’t always show it by my actions or words or deeds. You are eternally faithful to me. Thank You, Papa God. Help me to continue each day letting go of all that so easily entangles me. Help me run with endurance the race that You have set before me. You have given me the victory through Jesus Christ, my Savior and King. Thank You for Your love and grace and mercy each day.  You make me holy and righteous and brave. I can never be that in and of myself.

My Sweet and Precious Child,

I love you – always have, always will! Yes, how well I know the human condition and the human nature and the inability of humans to save themselves from their own sin condition. I knew you (and everyone) needed a Savior long ago; so, as God, I sent the perfect solution – My Son. My child, I know there will be days ahead as well as days past where missed opportunities or poor choices can lead you downward into defeat and despair. But Jesus has won the victory over that for you. So, I say to you, “Arise. Let us be going. Get up, and go on to the next thing.” My child, you are still learning to let the past be the past, and to let it sleep. Do the next thing that I show you. Never let the past with its failures defeat your next step. Go, take the next step. I am faithful and will show it to you. Have I not spoken? And will I not do it? I am asking you to be obedient in the drudgery, the menial tasks of your life, and let Me do the transforming of that task into something meaningful.

(Heb.12:1; 1 Cor.1:57; Num.23:19; John 3:16)

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