Your Image!

Published on 7 March 2024 at 07:32

Good Morning, Papa God! 

I am created in Your image, the image of the great I AM! I am special! Not because of what I bring to You because I come to You empty-handed. All I am and all I will ever become; I owe it all to You. I am special because You made me special ... Your child! Through Christ, I am Yours. I am …

                                  Chosen, accepted, redeemed, forgiven, called, made holy, made righteous, sealed, anointed,                                              delivered, loved, cared for, sanctified (set apart).

Yes, my Papa God, I am! I am all Yours and You are all mine. Each day give me Your strength to walk in this knowledge, to speak and act I this knowledge. Continue Your marvelous process of conforming me to the image of Jesus. I know that to do that may (will!) mean I must change and walk through the valleys of change which are usually not very pleasant and often painful. But I will walk through them because You are faithful to answer this prayer. You have been doing it all my life thus far, and will continue to do so until You have accomplished all You have intended to do in my life. I will be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness, fully resembling Your image. I am Your child. I am thankful that nothing can change that fact.  I am Yours forever. You are my good Father, and I know You delight in me. You always have, even on those days when I was anything but delightful. You have always loved me and always will.

My lovely daughter,

How you please Me! Your heart and will surrendered to Me! I have seen your surrender and I am fulfilling your request to walk in My will. I know you have been searching and have often wondered, at this time of your life, if you missed the path of My will. You cannot veer off course, My searching one! There is no chance of you doing that because I am Your guide and I direct your steps. Remember? You committed yourself to Me. Do not hesitate to step out and venture into life. Why do you fear? I am here and I have full control of your life. You can have all the confidence you need to boldly step out. Please do! What do you want? You have searched My heart for My desires and I am placing them within your heart. So what if you somehow choose a lesser good than what I desired for you! I can make all smaller things into greater things. It’s what I do! So, My child, it is time to step out in faith and trust Me. You and Me together! What a great team. And, by the way, we are a team that cannot fail. I am on your side so you have all you need to succeed.

I hear You, Papa God! But I do not have an answer to Your question – “What do you want?” I have come to a place in my life where I don’t want anything. I have “let go” of all the earthly wants and entanglements. What I want is to be a useful tool in Your kingdom’s work, one that has a purpose each day.  So, what do I do with that want? I do not know how or what or when. You say, “Take a step.” But I do not know what step to take. I do not see the open door that You want me to go through.

My child, do not be afraid that you have missed My open door for you. Do every day what you already know to do, and at just the right time, the door will open and you will see it and know what to do. Trust Me! I know you think that it will never happen and that you are just “waiting your days away”, but you are not. Do not become discouraged in the waiting. We both know where the enemy takes you when you choose any of those five D’s – discouraged, disappointment, despair, defeat, and depression. Stay in My Presence all through your day and do what I lay on your heart to do. I am with you always. Walk with Me each day, and at just the right time, My plan will unfold before you.

(Gen.1:27; Eph.1:3-14; Rom.8:29; Psa.17:15)

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