Good Morning, Papa God!
I am unfocused this morning, trying to reset my thoughts and be still before You and eliminate all the distractions. It is so hard on some mornings like today, and so easy on other days. Why is that? Not sure why I am so easily distracted this morning, feeling restless, and sitting still is hard to do this morning. I have hoped for a lot in this life and been disappointed most of the time. So much so that I do not dream anymore. I am always disappointed when I do. But, Papa God, my heart is always safe with You. My faith in You and hope in Your promises will be rewarded. My hope in You will not be disappointed. No matter how long I have to wait or how distant the fulfillment may seem to me, You will never let me down. You are always there. You are the God Who stays. Someday my eyes will see all That You have prepared for me. Can’t wait to see it, Papa God! I really am homesick and ready for my homecoming so I can see You. I know I will when You are ready for me. In the meantime, show me what You would have me do here and now so that I am redeeming my time here wisely. Some days – really most days – I have no clue what I am to do with my life for Your honor and glory. I am trying to wait and be patient with myself until You are ready to use me again. And, maybe You are and have been “in these days” of shelf sitting and I just don’t see it or know about it. So, I trust You and wait until You reveal to me what my next steps are.
Good Morning, My precious little one!
Know this! I am working in you and through you even when you do not see or recognize it. Seek to attune your heart to what I am already doing. Just because it is not “big” in your estimation does not mean that I am not working in the everyday “little” things in your life. I am working in ways you do not see or comprehend. Trust Me in this! Trust Me that I am working – in you and through you! Do not be anxious about this as if you are missing the way and/or opportunities. Would I let you miss the path that I have designed for you in these days of your winter season of life? I have designed it for you so I will show it to you – step by step, day by day. Live in the present moment and trust Me for all you need – today! I am taking care of you and all you need. Do not fear or worry, about today or your tomorrows. I am in control of it all. Surrender your will to Mine daily, and rest in My Presence. The safest place there is for you to be in is My will. I know you are struggling with being still and waiting patiently. I know you are waiting more impatiently than patiently to be active again. But My will for you does not always involve great activity, and this is what you have been learning during these years of stillness and inactivity. I can accomplish much through a person’s inactivity. Think about Paul in his prison cell! When you are quiet and still, you become much more aware of My Presence and can hear My voice much better. Please cease to think of your life activities in terms of “big” and “small”. I know you feel cut off from the activity of the world in these days, but please understand that your quiet trust in Me is making a statement to those around you. My child, trust Me when I say this to you – your life has been and is in service to Me. I am using your life despite the fact that you cannot see it. Continue to practice patience, My impatient little one.
(Rom.5:5; Psa.73:23; Matt.28:20; John 14:2; Eph.5:16)
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