Good Morning, Papa God!
I sit here quietly contemplating the greatness of You – the great riches of Your grace and mercy and love, the great trust and reliability of Your name. Your name is how I get to know You. Just as You know me by my name, not only this earthly one but also my heavenly one, I want to know You better by all Your names. This I do know – the more I know and understand them, the more I will trust in the name of my God, and rely on You. You told me that if I seek You, I will find You if I search for You with all my heart. Help me be a faithful student of Your Word and a seeker of Your heart. When I know You more, I will love You more. When I love You more, I will trust You more. And when I trust You more, I will obey You more. This is my heart’s desire, Papa God, to seek You and the things above with all my heart. My life is hidden with Christ in You. Oh, yes, Papa God, You have so richly blessed me by calling me Your child. You have set me apart (made me holy), and marked me as special. You have chosen me to be Your special possession. I am so very thankful, Papa God, that You see me as special, loved, and hand-picked because there are a lot of times I fail to see me as You see me. I open my heart and mind to the fullness of Your love. You are capable of doing absolutely anything, and I know Your plans for me run deep, even when, like now, I am confused as to what those plans are. But, You are God, and I am not. You can do and will do in me and through me all You have planned for me. I actually get excited when I think on it because Your opportunities for me are coming, just up around the bend in Your perfect timing.
Good morning, My child!
How I welcome our time together! It is as precious to Me as it is to you. It is why I created humans – to bear My image and to have fellowship with Me. It is My greatest joy when My children spend time with Me. One day, My child, you will know Me as you are known by Me. Knowing My name reveals My character, and trusting in those names gives you your strength for each day. You are “seeing” more clearly now. All this time you have been sending your prayers to Me, seeking answers and seemingly getting none, I have been quietly removing rubble, rearranging your life, healing your wounds, restoring what has been lost, renewing your dreams and purpose. All of your life events I have been working together for your good. All of it has progressively deepened your capacity to know My heart and to understand My character. You are deeply learning My names and relying on Me as a result. You have come to learn that My Sovereignty is your stronghold of security. I AM El Elyon, the Most High God. You can trust in My Sovereignty, even though there are times in which I leave you guessing as to how I will answer your prayers. Even in those times, you have chosen to trust Me. Oh, yes, My child, I am very pleased with you – always have been, always will be - because I love you to the very depths of My heart. Let your knowledge of My loving Presence be sufficient to carry you through each day. Walk in My Spirit and My Power.
(Isa.50:10; Jer.29:13; Col.1:1-3; 1 Pet.2:9; Eph.3:16-19)
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